Recorded data can be stored for a long period of time, from weeks to months or even years, depending on the application. For example, it is possible to verify the on-site conditions on the day of production, including a record of the product lot number and shipping date in the factory.

Features of Long-term Recording

Secure Video Evidence

When a problem is discovered, past footage can be explored over time to confirm the situation. For example, it is possible to trace back to the date of processing and manufacturing of a product to determine at what stage a foreign substance got into a food product within its expiration date.

Up to 160 TB Storage

Up to 16 hard drives can be installed. 160TB at maximum can be installed with 16 HDDs of 10TB. Since footage can be stored on a yearly basis, a problem can be  traced back for the long term.

※XRN-6410DR only

Remote Monitoring

Our long-term recording equipment is a network recorder and therefore supports network connectivity. Even recorded long-term images can be viewed remotely from a PC or smartphone.